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What can children learn from children's toys?
Discover all the learnings behind children's toys.
Children's toys are objects full of learnings. Myths say that playing is only for children because playing is not productive. This is not true.
Games involve a lot of learning. If we look at the little ones, at the children who are not yet in kindergarten or school, every day they learn something new. And it is not because someone has given them a special or new knowledge. No. It is because the human being learns through his relationship with the present moment.
Life is a great field of exploration and learning. That is why it is important to let them crawl, touch, suck… When the space in which they live becomes small, children's toys come into play, and never better said.
These objects, in addition to having a fun purpose, are also great teachers. They allow the child to develop their skills of interaction, relationship, communication, imagination, concentration...
In addition, children's toys teach them to better understand the world around them, to assimilate the situations or experiences that happen day after day. The game is, in fact, a fun laboratory to make mixtures, to develop spontaneity and the will to create. When a child plays, he tends to invent stories around his toys: he brings the characters to life, creates relationships, imagines conversations… What he is actually doing is creating life situations according to his own perception of life.
This, for parents, is very interesting.
The situations that a child recreates when he is interacting with his children's toys reflect many aspects of his personality. If the themes that usually appear continuously in his leisure moments are battles or struggles, his greatest tendency will be action, sacrifice and, on many occasions, the strong will to achieve any goal.
If the stories around him and his games are romantic and fairytale, he will be probably a more sensitive, emotional, compassionate, and empathetic person.
If in the story that is told there are heroes and wicked, kind characters and unjust beings, possibly it is a person who in the future will work for equality, tolerance, justice and brotherhood.
Children's toys are, therefore, a way to develop all the personality traits that are inscribed in the genes. Every kid is a world. It is possible that the same toy awakens a story in one and another story in another. For this reason, children's toys are mirrors of the child's real character. And a good way to learn to know and understand him.
In addition, through these objects, emotions are also displayed, an inherent attribute of the human being, which conditions and colors his life. Children begin to develop their emotions through exploration and play. Playing is nothing more than interacting. Interacting from freedom. Interacting from full presence. From pure consciousness.
Adults have much to envy children: it would be amazing if we all had the ability to learn through play and imagination. Because what children imagine is very real for them. And in their own way, they are right.
Therefore, giving children's toys is wonderful. Allowing children to have long moments of leisure is essential for them to display their inherent abilities and gifts. Allowing emotions to surface, dreams to unfold, stories to be believed, and children to play is vital. A very beautiful and educational act.