Best Family Home Games

Table of Contents

Backgammon, Best, Chess, Dominoes, Family, Tavoli da calcio, Giochi, Ping-Pong, Tavoli da biliardo -

Best Family Home Games

As we are spending more time at home, having at our disposal a couple good games has become mandatory.

Depending on how much space you have in your home, we differentiate between compact board games and larger pub games. Some of you may have a play room at home, and others only a living room. In either case, we have compiled for you the best family games to play at home.

Starting with board games, there is the multi-player or the dual player. Our favourite board game at the moment is backgammon. It is one of the oldest board games as we can trace it back more than 5000 years ago! Usually this game is recommended for children who are 5 years old or more, however, we know of families that play with younger children. The game is super entertaining, rather fast paced and based on a mix of luck and strategy. Backgammon also nourishes your counting and math skills.

Find here the best design and luxury backgammon game sets.

Lujoso Backgammon de diseño

Chess is also a classic board game for two players. This game has no luck built in and is pure strategy. Although chess does not really require math skills, it does promote intelligence by forcing the player to preview, forecast and take bets for each move. We find that a good chess game very much depends on your opponent's level, and although it is a competitive game, we love playing it with good spirits.

Chess has no minimum age recommendation. You can play chess with your young child when coordinating mouvements is not a problem for them anymore. On a personal note, we love the calmness, the strategy and of course the beauty of chess sets.

Find a collection of the best chess sets to buy online.

Coleccion de juegos de Ajedrez


The world famous dominoes game completes of our podium of the best family board games. This is a multiplayer game usually played between 2 and 4 players.

Dominoes is very fun and is a mix of luck and strategy. Good players can implement a strategy depending on their game and counting what is on the table currently played.

Dominoes have no minimum age requirements, and will be a great and fun game to teach your child basic math and arithmetic skills. A fun game for the whole family.

Find here a selection of the best design and quality dominoes games.

Domino de lujo y diseño


Now we will talk about pub games. If you are lucky enough to have at home a play pen or games room, then you will want to include either a foosbal / football table, ping-pong or pool table. If you do not have a dedicated space for your games but still want the possibility to enjoy them from time to time, then do not worry, we have the perfect solution.

We offer a selection of products which have a breathtaking design and  complete polivalence. Because a picture is worth a thousands words, please see below what we consider to be the worlds most beautiful ping-pong table which transforms into a beautiful dinning table. You can accomodate chairs or benches, as you prefer. In any case, this ping-pong / dining table is simply the best.

Buen Diseño Mesa de Ping Pong Para Interior

Mesa para Cenar de Diseño Convierte en mesa de ping pong

Find here a full list of the best luxury and design ping-pong table for home use.

If what you are considering a football table but do not really have the space, then please see here below what we consider to be the best football table / foosball for small spaces. It is a two player football table made from robust materials with a fun a fast game play.

Two player Football Table for Small Spaces Futbolín de dos jugadores para espacios pequeños o reducidos  Futbolín de dos jugadores para espacios reducidos

With the above said, we also love a great classic pub style football table game. Today, manufacturers are creating beautiful design football tables, at very reasonable price points. As we have discussed in a past post, we recommend you never buy a cheap football table, as it is worth to put some extra money or save a little more and buy a real quality football table. The difference in price largely justifies the difference in quality.

Football table is an awesome game to play with adolescent children and adults. It's more of a male type of game, but we are seeing a boost from female clients and players in these last few years, as part of a more global trend where women are participating more in football. In short, it's a great game to have in a family home.

Find here a list of the best design football tables.

Futbolin de diseño

Lastly, in our selection of the best family home games, we propose you a selection of design pool tables. They come in a variety of designs to accomodate for the many game styles including eight-ball, blackball, nine-ball, ten-ball, seven-ball, straight pool, one-pocket, and bank pool, to name a few.

The most famous game type is the eight-ball. This is the classic game you will in your neighbourhood pub, and which we generally recommend for home use as it can easily motivate and include the whole family to participate.

Manufacturers and creators are building today some very beautiful pool tables for home use, as you can see in our selection of the best design pool tables.

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